Hi there, we're Magical Robot, and this is how we work

We are a dynamic, remote-first technology partnership, where innovation knows no borders. As a global company, we have the unique advantage of operating worldwide while maintaining a strong local presence through our legal entities in the United Kingdom, Spain, and the United States. This strategic positioning allows us to focus on our three key markets: the United States, Europe, and the UK. Our commitment to being a globally integrated yet locally attuned partner is central to our approach, allowing us to be agile and responsive to the diverse needs of our clients.

While our ethos champions a remote-first strategy, we understand the importance of physical proximity for certain clients. Therefore, we have established offices in major cities like London, Madrid, and San Francisco, providing a base for close, collaborative relationships. Recognizing the unique requirements of each partner, we are equipped to establish local offices as part of our engagement, ensuring a seamless alignment with our partners' operational contexts. This flexibility allows us to offer the best of both worlds: the efficiency and broad reach of a remote-first approach, coupled with the tailored, on-the-ground support where it's most needed. Our mission is to be not just a service provider, but a versatile, adaptable partner in your technological journey.

Our Mission Statement

To deliver innovative solutions and superior customer service to businesses and individuals, meeting diverse market needs through our unique blend of products and services.

Our Vision Statement

To be at the forefront of industry innovation, expanding our reach across new markets and sectors, and growing robustly in size and revenue. We strive to make a significant societal impact, guided by our commitment to integrity, collaboration, and empowerment through education.

Our Core Values

Integrity and Excellence

Combining honesty, accountability, and professionalism to uphold transparency, take responsibility, and maintain high standards in all we do.

Innovation and Forward-Thinking

Fostering creativity, openness, and a forward-thinking mindset to anticipate future trends and seek inventive solutions.

Empowerment and Inclusivity

Valuing respect, customer-centricity, and diversity by creating an inclusive environment where all perspectives are valued and every individual feels empowered.