Our Unique Approach to Team as a Service (TaaS)

This approach helps you scale, and leverage external expertise with specialized skills, while reducing management overhead.

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Fill Skill Gaps

Team as a Service helps your organization to quickly fill skill gaps in your existing workforce. This is particularly useful for technical domains where hiring full-time experts might be impractical due to the short-term nature of the requirement.

Project-Based Work

TaaS is ideal for specific, time-bound projects where specialized skills are required. Your organization can leverage a team for the project duration without the commitment of hiring full-time employees, thus providing flexibility and expertise exactly when needed.

Cost Management and Flexibility

TaaS can be a more cost-effective solution compared to traditional hiring, especially for short-term or specialized needs, as it eliminates the costs associated with full-time employee benefits and long-term commitments.

Scale Operations Quickly

TaaS enables your organization to scale your workforce up or down quickly, responding to market demands, seasonal peaks, or special projects. This scalability is a key advantage for businesses in growth phases or those undergoing transformation.

Quick Turnaround

Once the Team Blueprint is approved, we can have the team up and running for you in 30 days or less. If your project start date is later than 30 days, no worries—we will be ready from day one.

No Compromises

You gain access to the skills and team size needed to complete the statement of work within your timeframe and budget. Our self-managed team will adhere to your company policies, ensuring seamless communication with the rest of your organization. All intellectual property (IP) rights are yours.

No Overhead

You face zero administrative hassles in recruiting or managing the team. You receive just one monthly invoice—we handle the rest. We ensure that the statement of work is delivered on the agreed-upon time.


You choose the team composition and their location. We can source fully onshore, fully nearshore, or a combination of both, aligning with your preferred timezone to ensure collaboration during normal business hours.

Team as a Service (TaaS)

How It Works


Discovery Meeting

An initial meeting to discuss your needs, define the statement of work, establish the budget, and set the timelines.


Team Blueprint

We present for your approval a structure for a self-managed team that will fulfill the statement of work within your time and budget constraints.



The new team is ready to start. We take care of all the management and overhead for you.

Compare our approach vs. the competition

High standards, low friction, quick turnaround, and great communication make us unique.


Our Service


Customized Approach

Phased Talent Incorporation: Pay for roles as they become necessary
Flexibility to choose onshore, nearshore, or a mix of both
We conduct regular check-ins to validate if your needs are being met

Service level

Turnaround in 30 days or less
High retention team; no churn

We Are Here to Help

Let's talk to discuss how we can help with your Team Augmentation needs.

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