Our Mobile and Web SDKs for Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT)

Revolutionize identity verification with our IDVT SDKs—advanced, cross-platform solutions for seamless biometric and digital ID validations.

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Cross-Platform Compatibility

Our IDVT SDKs are built for versatility, supporting Web, iOS, and Android platforms. This ensures a consistent user experience across all devices, crucial for widespread identity verification.

Simplified Integration

Integration is a breeze with our IDVT SDKs. Designed for ease of use, they reduce development time and complexity, allowing for quick deployment in your products.

Comprehensive Documentation

Jumpstart your development with our detailed, developer-friendly documentation, guiding you through every step of the integration process for a smooth setup.

Customization at Its Core

Tailor our IDVT SDKs to meet your specific needs. From UI to functionality, our solutions adapt to your unique requirements for optimal identity validation.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your security measures with our advanced biometric and digital ID validation, minimizing fraud and ensuring authentic user identification.

Frictionless User Experience

Provide your users with a seamless verification process, using camera and NFC technology for quick and efficient identity checks.

Technological Edge

Stay ahead with cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, ensuring accurate and reliable identity verification every time.

Global Reach, Local Compliance

Our SDKs are designed to meet global compliance standards, making them suitable for a wide range of markets and regulatory environments.

Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT)

How It Works



Using the device's camera, the SDK swiftly and accurately reads the ID information.



Using NFC technology, the SDK retrieves biometric data from the ID.



The user is prompted to take a selfie or a video.



Our SDK combines the biometric ID data with the selfie and employs advanced ML algorithms to verify the user's identity against the provided documents.

Compare our Identity Document Validation Technology SDKs vs. the competition

High standards, cross-platform support, simplified integration, customization options, and great documentation make us unique.




Cross-Platform Support (Web, iOS, Android)
Easy Integration
Developer-Friendly Documentation
Biometric Data Verification via NFC
ML-Powered Identity Confirmation
User-Friendly Process
Global Compliance Adherence
Real Person Detection in Selfies
Only Compliance-Required Personal Data Is Stored

We Are Here to Help

Let's talk to discuss how we can help with your Identity Document Validation Technology (IDVT) needs.

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